Your Support Makes a World of Difference
Giving the gift of time is priceless. Teen Center USA has multiple volunteer opportunities. Here are a few listed below:
Drop In Center Volunteers (hours are SPRING/FALL 3-6pm, SUMMER 12-6pm)
Snack Shack
Front Desk Check in
Breakfast Club Volunteers (Wednesdays 6:30-9:00am)
Mentors/ Breakfast servers
Teen Idol Vocal Competition (March/April)
Door Check In
Snack Bar
Set Up/Clean Up Volunteers
Golf Tournament (July)
Check In Registration table
Putting together raffle prizes
Raffle Table
Planning Committee Members
and more
Dinner and Auction (October)
50/50 Raffle Volunteers
Check In Table
Set up/ Clean Up Crew
And more
In Kind Donations Coordinator (times vary)
Collects daily food/snack donations from various restaurants/ businesses that support the teen center
Volunteer Board Members
Set the general direction and policy of the organization within the framework of corporate purpose; helps to ensure that the goals of the Teen Center are carried out. Acts as an ambassador for the Teen Center to raise awareness
​Mobile Teen Center Volunteer Needs
RV Drivers (2-3 times a week)
Volunteer drivers who can take staff and volunteer mentors to each scheduled location
Volunteer Mentors hours are SPRING/FALL 3-6pm, SUMMER 12-6pm)
Snack prep
Check In
Bike/Skateboard Repair Area Volunteer
Helps with repairs and teaching how to repair bikes and skateboards
For more detail information on these volunteer opportunities, please email us at tcusaeg@frontier.com or call 916-686-6942.